Thursday, October 13, 2011


The Rake, the Rake, the fucking RAKE. I am SO TEMPTED to devote my life to the study of KILLING THE DAMN THING. Ever since it caught us outside the wards, it has been furiously patrolling, and attempting to cross over on a regular basis. It was patrolling after the attack, but not like this. This is just unholy. Every time it sees myself or Skan, it rears up and does that horrid screeching thing. Goddamn otherworldly noise...

To make it worse, it picks at the wards almost...every time we see it. Like, it is doing it on purpose just to fuck with us. Skan, in particular. It will claw furiously at trees, rear up and screech, or just sit there and watch..Then it slowly makes its way at a ward, as if testing its power. It's always been repelled, but....
ITS SO UNNERVING. To watch it, I mean. The same feeling every time. Will it make it by this time? Will the wards fail, will it get used to them, so many questions with no answers...

In other news, The Faceless hasn't shown up again. And I keep dreaming about Hawk tied up in a dark room with a chain on the door.

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